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By Chikumbutso Mwale

Bishop Martin Mtumbuka

In a vibrant celebration of faith and community, the Karonga Diocese recently hosted a special Sunday School Rally from the 9th to the 11th of August 2024. This event held great significance as Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka, with a heartfelt mission, aimed to foster a deeper connection with the children within the diocese.

The rally serves as a platform for the Bishop to engage directly with the young minds of the congregation, emphasizing the importance of nurturing their spiritual growth and understanding. Throughout the three-day event, a series of interactive sessions, engaging activities, and meaningful discussions were organized to strengthen the bonds within the diocese and inspire the children on their spiritual journey.

The children pose with Bishop Mtumbuka

One of the key highlights of the rally was the Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Martin Mtumbuka with the children. During this sacred service, the Bishop shared the Word of God, offering prayers and blessings specifically for the youth. His homily centered on the themes of love, unity, and the importance of growing in faith from a young age. The Mass not only served as a spiritual anchor for the event but also as a moment of reflection and connection for the children.

Speaking in an interview, Bishop Mtumbuka stressed that the main aim of the rally was to hear directly from the children about the challenges they face in their respective parishes. His personal interactions with the children, where he asked them questions, imparted valuable lessons, and encouraged them to work hard in school and actively participate in church activities, were a testament to his commitment to their spiritual and personal development. This direct engagement not only helped in building a sense of belonging among the children but also offered them guidance and support in their religious education.

Bishop Mtumbuka hands over a soccer ball to representatives of Sunday school.

The event was not just about spiritual growth; it also featured lessons from the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) on gender issues and safeguarding, as well as sessions from the education department, which taught the children how to handle and report different abuses they may encounter. The children held group discussions and team-building exercises that added a fun and joyful element to the gathering.

 In an interview, one of the children, Hanna Mwasangwale, expressed her excitement to have attended this year’s Sunday School Rally: “I am very happy to be here, and I have learned a lot from this gathering, for example, how to report abuses,” said Hanna. These activities not only brought the children together in a spirit of camaraderie but also instilled a sense of unity and cooperation among them.

Bishop Mtumbuka hands over soccer and net balls to Sunday school representative

As the Sunday School Rally concluded, the sense of joy and enrichment was palpable among the participants as Bishop Mtumbuka shared gifts in the form of rosaries, soccer and net balls with the children. The bonds forged during the event, the lessons learned, and the memories created will undoubtedly resonate within the hearts of the children of the Karonga Diocese for a long time to come.

Children posing with the soccer and net balls they have received.

Looking forward, Bishop Martin highlighted that the next Sunday School Rally would be organized at the deanery level, allowing even more children to participate and benefit from these enriching experiences. In essence, the August Sunday School Rally in Karonga Diocese was not just a gathering; it was a profound testament to the power of community, faith, and the dedication of Bishop Martin Mtumbuka to connect with and empower the young souls under his care. It stood as a shining example of how unity, love, and faith can come together to create a transformative experience for all involved.

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